ここは、シュテファン寺院近くにある”Manner(マナー)”の直営店です。”Manner”はオーストリアの伝統あるお菓子メーカーです。包装のピンク の可愛い色が特徴です。このメーカーで有名なのは”Nepolitaner”というクリームが中にはさんであるウエハースです。マナーのお菓子はスーパーでも色々売ってますが、ここのお店は全部がマナーの商品で店内がピンク色いっぱいで可愛いです(^-^)ウィンドウのディ スプレイも時期で内容が変わっていて見るのがとても楽しいです♪


これはお店の入り口です。上にある小さな看板もなんか可愛いです。お店の中はたくさんの種類のお菓子がありましたが、それ以外にも色々なグッツがありました!バック、ペン、そして一番驚いたのは自転車のヘルメット(笑) マナーピンクとマナーの頭文字の”M”がデザインに使われていてなんだかとっても可愛い一品でした♪自転車乗らないけど、かぶってみたい衝動にかられました。お店の中が狭くお客さんがいっぱいいたので、店内の写 真を撮れなくてお見せ出来ないのが残念です(^-^;)


This is the Manner shop near Stephansdom. Manner is a famous confectionery from Austria, Their pink package is characteristic. Their well-known product is "Nepolitaner", which is a cream filled wafer. Although products of Manner can also be found in usual supermarkets, you can enjoy being surrounded by pink Manner products in this shop. You can also enjoy the window display, which frequently replaced according to annual events.
On this day, the window display was for Easter. There were eggs filled by a variety of confectionery in the window.
You can find a entrance of this shop in the third picture. The pink signboard is attractive. In addition to a variety of confectionery, I found many character merchandises, e.g, bags, pens, etc. The most impressive one is a bike helmet, which is of course pink and has the logo "M". Although I do not have a bike, I felt an impulse to use it. Since the small inside of this shop was filled with many people, I could not take a picture of the inside.
I bought two things, a white chocolate and a pen. Although a chocolate of brown type is available at a usual supermarket, it was the first time to see the white one. So I bought it. It has a mark "neu", which means new in German. Probably, it is a new product. Precisely, this is a cookie covered with white chocolate. Since the taste of the brown type was bitter, I did not buy it again. But I might buy this again. By the way, the ink of the pen is blue.
The things that I bought were provided with this nice shopping bag. I enjoyed this shopping very much. I might collect character merchandises of Manner. I recommend you to visit this shop when you come to Stephansdom.