Milkaの板チョコです。上の3種類はお気に入りでよく購入します♪ちなみにドイツ語でチョコは”Schokolade(ショコラーデ)”です。上から”Weiß(ss) Schokolade(ヴァイスショコラーデ)”ホワイトチョコレート、”Haselnuß(ss)(ハーゼルヌス)”ヘーゼツナッツ、”Erdbeere Joghurt”(エーアトベーレ ヨーグルト)”イチゴヨーグルト味です。★ßはエスチェットと呼ばれる英語にはない子音です。名前の通り、sとzが1字に組み合わさった字です。ßはssとしても表せます。辞書でもssとして扱われています。
These are bars of chocolate. These three are my favorites. I often buy these flavors. A chocorate is called "Schokolade" in German. From the top, "Weiß(ss) Schokolade", "Haselnuß(ss)" and "Erdbeere Joghurt". "ß" is called "eszett" in German and represents a consonant sound. As the name represents, it is a combination of s=es and z=zett. ß can be replaced by ss. In a dictionary, ß lies as ss in alphabetical order.
In these three flavors, you can find popular words: white, strawberry and yogurt. Since you can find these words in various scenes, you should remember these words. For instance, they often appear in a menu at a cafe and a restaurant.
The top, White Chocolate, is very sweet and it is the most favorite one. Since it is very sweet, I get satisfied with only a small peace of it. The second one, Hazelnut, is tough and the combination of nuts and chocolate is very good. But you have to be careful with overeating. It is high in calories. The third one, Strawberry Yogurt, contains cream which is not very sweet and includes flavor of strawberries. It smells very good.
I often buy these three flavors together on sale. Although a supermarket has several flavors of chocolates, I finally take this trio even after long consideration.
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